Dear Auntie Ingrid,
Thank you for our freedom, we can now go for walks with two happy stress free humans that we do not have to continually drag behind us on flexi leads because they refused keep up.
Because we are rescue dogs a 5 year old husky x collie and 3 year old full husky from different but equally dysfunctional backgrounds our humans were told we could never be walked off lead as we would not come back or be trusted not worry livestock & other dogs . We came to you in desperation, none of us were happy, things could not continue this way but you promised to transform things & you did. We did object at first rather loudly at times to some of the new ideas ,sleeping downstairs, not going out together having boundaries & rules we were not in charge anymore very strange. Lessons were firm but fair but we now get to run the woods, play in the park and not bother others we have even been praised by strangers for being so well behaved.
It is due to your professional help and guidance that we can all enjoy our lives to the full many thanks. Love Lizzy & Logan (the dogs)
Dear Ingrid – You told us you could transform our hooligans & your methods certainly have they do require time, commitment & patience but the results are wonderful leaving everyone much happier, stress free & able to enjoy walks again.
Thank you, Carolyn & Colin (The humans)